
General Meetings

There shall be two classes of general meetings – Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and Special General Meetings (SGMs).

Special General Meetings

A SGM may be called for a specific purpose by the committee. Notice in writing of such meeting shall be sent to all members not less than 7 days before the date thereof and where practicable by Press advertisement, electronic mail or posted on the Association’s website not less than 7 days before the date of such meeting.

Other activities

We do charity work like visiting and assisting in children homes,conservation of enviroment through tree planting and so on

Upcoming Events

The AGM shall be held not later than the last Friday or last working day of February in each and subsequent year.The agenda for the AGM consist of the following:
  • Confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM.
  • Consideration of the accounts.
  • Election of office bearers and the committee members (and trustees where necessary.
  • Such other matters as the committee may decide or as to which notice shall have been given in writing by a member or members to the secretary at least four weeks before the date of the meeting.
This year AGM shall be held on 29th February 2020 at AGM Holy family Basilica
Homecoming event will be held at high commission residence in Muthaiga.
At the heart of Laikipia North, a group of women sit inside a secluded spot donated by Lewaso Lodge. The women, who are sewing face masks to help combat the spread of Coronavirus, are survivors of early marriages, obstetric fistula and ejection from their homes for bearing children with more...
End of year party - 20th December 2020

Membership criteria

Full Member

A person qualifies to be an active member of the Association if that person has successfully completed a course(s) of training /study from any Accredited Australian educational institution, or successfully completed an Australia Award. This shall be subject to the approval of the committee, and payment of the prescribed fees..

Associate Member

A person qualifies to be an honorary member if that person has been granted membership by the committee, in recognition of their past, present or affirmed contribution to the Association.

Every member shall pay a one off membership fee (includes annual fee for the first year) and an annual subscription fee not later than the last Friday or working day of February each subsequent year as follows:

  • Full Member: KShs. 3,000/= KShs. 2,000/=.
  • Associate Member: KShs. 1,500/= KShs. 1,000/=.
  • Corporate Member: KShs. 20,000/=.

Corporate Member

An Institution qualifies to be a corporate member if they are interested in the Association. This shall be subject to the approval of the committee, and payment of the prescribed fees.

Honorary Member

A person qualifies to be an honorary member if that person has been granted membership by the committee, in recognition of their past, present or affirmed contribution to the Association.